Aerospace parts manufacturer
Machining & Turning
MIZUNO-style integrated
production system evolved from
our comprehensive capabilities
meets your needs.
Mizuno’s strengths consist in our precision cutting and precision turning
capabilities with special equipment such as large 5-axis machining centers and
spar millers for cutting and big lathes for turning. In particular,precision
machining for large,complex parts is our primary specialty. In order to make the
most of these facilities, we are working to maintain and improve our engineering
capabilities by handling the entire upstream purocesses in-house ranging from
process planning, tool design and making to optimal NC programming. In
addition, we also have tha assembly function intenally so we are capable of
assembling processed parts into components, making it possible for us to have
an integrated production system. The series of these processes are under strict
control with a secure traceability based on JIS Q9100, the standards for
Aerospace Quality Management System. This enables us to deliver high quality
products to our customers. We are committed to further enhancing the
comprehensive capabilities that only we coud offer in order to meet
ever-evolving customer needs.